Hybrid & Remote Working
“Remote work is the future of work.”
Alexis Ohanian, Reddit

In a nutshell:
Remote work poses a lot more problems than deciding whether to use Skype, Zoom, WhatsApp, Teams or Google Hangouts, but it also brings a heap of productivity and engagement benefits.
Plus, like it or lump it, it’s here to stay.
These snappy, bite-size videos and e-learning resources use humour to explore remote working and how it affects managers and their teams. Essential skills such as motivation, time management and cross-cultural communication are covered in a way that will put a smile on your face wherever you are.
Perfect for:
- Improving motivation, communication and time management when working remotely
- Standardising virtual meetings with clear best practise for all staff to follow
- Getting people organised, setting time boundaries and focused on their wellbeing
What are you waiting for?
“We are all working from home now, working from anywhere!”
Barriers to communicating at distance

Good to know:
- 8 video chapters
- 25+ learning lessons
- 4 e-learning courses
- 100 minutes of learning content
- SCORM & interactive video formats
- Embed our videos in your own courses
- Spanish, Mandarin, French versions and many more
Why laughing and learning work:
People learn best when they’re involved, engaged and entertained.
Discover more about our longer lasting learning.
We don’t bite! Speak to our team about using laughter as a learning aid.