Evans Cycles – Delivering on learning objectives

“Video Arts content is fun, engaging and delivers on our learning objectives, we’s be crazy not to use it!”


“Engaging, off-the-shelf content, a responsive authouring tool and a gamified platform.”

Evans Cycles needed to…

1 DELIVER: engaging content for all colleagues.
2 DEVELOP: interactive, video-based product knowledge courses.
3 DEPLOY: learning via an intuitive, responsive and gamified platform.


 “Video Arts content is fun, engaging and delivers on our learning objectives. We’d be crazy not to use it!”

As part of their Manager Development Programme Evans Cycles used the Management Essentials micro-learning from Video Arts to deliver an on-demand programme of content. The feedback from the cohorts was that it was fun and engaging, and that the famous characters from TV gave it credibility.


“It’s so easy to create new content. Drag and drop…interactive videos…all of that was a massive tick for us.

Using the learningMaker authoring tool from Video Arts’ platform partner, Netex, the team at Evans Cycles was able to create responsive, HTML5 content with no programming knowledge. The media-rich modules included: how to engage with customers; how to use in-store technology; and interactive product knowledge videos.


“The gamification side of the platform is easy to use and feels familiar; that was the real selling point for us.”

The L&D team used gamification via the Netex learningPlay platform to create tiers of learning that colleagues could progress through to achieve ‘product expert’ status. By linking levels with rewards and brand-discounts the team encouraged all of its customer-facing staff to participate.


“There is a correlation between the content and the in-store sales results.”

Two weeks after the launch of the product knowledge modules, year-on-year sales of bikes and clothing rose by 26% and 19% respectively.

Find out more about Evans Cycles here.

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