South London and Maudsley NHS – Launch Events

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Why can’t all e-learning be like this? It’s short, funny and uses famous actors, I love it!

Earlier this year, as part of a training day at South London & Maudsley NHS Trust, Video Arts held afternoon sessions to introduce learners to the Essentials e-learning courses; 22 short, snappy learning bites.

After some less than positive e-learning experiences in the past, Rachel Perera, Head of Education and Training for a service at South London and Maudsley NHS, wanted to re-engage learners with online learning. Initially there was a high level of resistance to e-learning from the team, however the events were a great platform to engage and excite learners and resulted in a swift turn around in opinion.

The session began with a short presentation; as soon the word ‘e-learning’ was mentioned, it was met with groans from the audience. “How will we find time to do this?!” was an objection made by several in the audience, but Video Arts Client Success Manager was on hand to offer practical suggestions to all concerns raised.

The micro-learning video preview got a really positive response from the NHS team, with the audience laughing along and quickly warming to the short e-learning courses. After a quick presentation, learners grabbed a cup of tea and mingled with the Video Arts representatives to ask about the learning programme, watch some more e-learning previews on the iPads and pick up some useful infographics with top tips on soft-skills to take away.

By the end of the day, the Video Arts team had converted South London and Maudsley NHS learners into e-learning fans, with some really positive feedback.

“Why can’t all e-learning be like this? It’s short, funny and uses famous actors, I love it!

The pre-launch events were so successful that we’re working with South London and Maudsley NHS to plan further events to spread the word.

If you would like to learn more about how our Client Success Events could benefit you and your learning programme, get in touch.

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