South East Water – Launching e-learning at four events

I have been told today by several people about how fabulous the training you’re organising is.

Mary Sabalis, Head of Business Systems, South East Water

As part of the big launch for their new, entertaining videos and e-learning courses, Video Arts held four launch events at several South East Water sites in March.

The days started with presentations for South East Water Managers in the mornings to introduce the team to Video Arts videos, e-learning courses and their new Learning Management System. The purpose of the Manager meetings was to encourage them to champion the new online training internally. In the afternoons all employees were invited to drop-in sessions, where they could preview some of the videos and e-learning courses, find out more about the LMS and get help logging on. Managers and employees also received some Video Arts gifts, including mugs, pens, post-its and earphones.

In the run up to the launch events, our Client Success Manager worked closely with South East Water to support them in getting information about the events publicised internally in different and engaging ways, using emails, posters, postcard invitations and screensavers, all of which proved to be incredibly successful in building interest across the company as there was a great turn out at all four launch events.

Mary Sabalis, Head of Business Systems at South East Water shared her feedback from the success days; “Just wanted you to know that I have been told today by several people about how fabulous the training you’re organising is… specifically the whole online availability, variety of topics, effectiveness and entertainment level so superior to training tracker!”

The launch events were a huge success and helped to spread the word about the new online training available to everyone at South East Water. We’ve already had feedback from the Senior Management team who are using videos in one-to-one coaching sessions and staff have been voluntarily requesting soft skills training on top of their compulsory compliance training.

If you’d like to learn more about how our Client Success Events could benefit you and your learning programme, get in touch.

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