Macmillan Cancer Support: leading edge learning

Our HR department looked at the materials and said WOW! It’s everything they say it is…really hits the spot.

Video Arts in conversation with Lesley McGuire, Learning Technology Manager

What is the organisation is trying to achieve through L&D?

It’s about keeping our people not just up-to-date, but ahead of the game…leading edge thinking. More recently, we’ve also been developing our online learning strategy to introduce more e-learning and web 2.0 functionality.

What has driven the desire to use new technology?

Primarily it was the ‘anytime, anywhere’ philosophy. It’s about providing resources and tools to give us a much more holistic approach to learning and development. That was the thinking behind the development of the Learn Zone. The Learn Zone is the one-stop shop for all of our learners and we’ve used it to translate our L&D strategy into tangible resources. We’ve attracted over 4,500 registered users in the last 18 months alone.

Why did you decide to partner with Video Arts for video training and e-learning?

Because it’s everything that they say it is. It’s in micro-learning chunks so it’s easy to digest and easier for people to work through them in their own time and at their own pace. It also means we can be flexible in how we use it: whether as part of face-to-face learning, e-learning or for pre-course warm-up emails or post-course reminders. It’s extremely professional in its production. Its use of humour means it really is engaging, memorable and fun. It really hits the spot in understanding the subjects covered and getting the message across.

And what’s been the reaction so far?

Our HR department looked at the materials and said ‘wow!’ The feedback has been great. The quality of these materials is so good that we can now offer a much more viable alternative to face-to-face training.

Click here to find out more about Macmillan and what they do.

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