L.K. Bennett – Going digital for the first time

The way we do business is fun and friendly… Video Arts really fits that.

Sarah Cowan, Learning and Talent Partner for L.K. Bennett 

L.K. Bennett is a luxury fashion brand who wanted to understand how a digital approach to learning could support them. After having gone through a significant amount of change and as they approach their 30th anniversary in 2020, Sarah and her team made investing in learning and talent development a priority.


It’s no secret that the retail industry is facing lots of pressure to do more with less. However the drive to develop people internally, provide organisation specific training and retain top talent are all key goals. So how can this be achieved?

Digital learning is great as a retailer, to reach populations that usually you would struggle to get together in the room.


Working closely with Sarah to understand the needs and barriers to learning, our proposed solution aimed at making development opportunities tailored and easy to use. The ability to curate their own content was a big attraction for L.K. Bennett, as well as using the pre-existing Video Arts content to save them time. Digital learning for Sarah’s team was brand new and the trial was really important. This review period allowed them to find out what would be right for the business and their population globally.

How much fun can you have learning about GDPR? Quite a lot apparently!

What happened next?

Launching Video Arts platform and content to Sarah’s audience with the right branding was really important. We worked closely to create a dual branded platform that let their population know who L.K. Bennett’s partners were and deliver something that was really targeted to them. As a result of making learning flexible on mobile and tablet through the app, the retail teams actually consumed far more learning than their head office teams.

To discover how Video Arts could help you develop your digital learning offering, fill out the form below or contact us here!

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