Collinson Group – Engaging a global audience

Award Winning Content for a Global Audience

Delivering engaging digital learning at scale and to a global audience is becoming increasingly important. Collinson Group are a loyalty and benefits company who offer services for frequent business travellers. As Global Head of People Development, Dani Saadu is responsible for retaining talent, matching performance to business outcomes or improving cross cultural communication.

The challenge for Dani and his team was being able to deliver learning at people’s fingertips and to over 2,000 people across 18 locations worldwide. With this in mind, we worked in partnership to integrate the Video Arts library within Collinson’s existing Learning Management System (LMS) to support this goal.

people want more digital learning, learning at their fingertips and self directed learning

Dani Saadu – Global Head of People Development

I remember the video Arts content because of how it made me feel at the time

Supporting Unconscious Bias & Diversity

We worked closely with Dani to understand the needs and demands of Collinson Group and how Video Arts could support their existing learning initiatives. We quickly realised that with a worldwide audience, it was important for people to experience a fully integrated learning envrionment. This environment also had to deliver learning that felt personalised and relevant to each and every user. As a result, we merged our Unconscious Bias modules within their existing Diversity and Inclusion training.

All organisations can benefit from diversity and inclusion training, whether it be to better understand your team, your target audience or attract the best talent. Unconscious Bias is bad for business. In 2018, McKinsey found that ‘companies with the most ethnically diverse executive teams are 33% more likely to be more profitable than less diverse companies. Gender diversity can bring an increase of 21%.’

When you’re working with a supplier the thing that is absolutely critical is the relationship

Supporting the shift from annual appraisals to regular performance conversations

Like many organisations, Collinson have shifted away from the annual appraisal and instead have implemented a more regular perfomance programme called ‘Continuous Performance Engagement’. Good conversations are key to good management. Therefore for Dani it was imperative that people received real-time and up to date feedback within each business quarter.

Video Arts use feedback like this from current clients to continually create new content to support their needs. As a result, we have recently released our new Conversations collection created in partnership with our subject matter expert Terry Gillen (FCIPD).  This collection delivers a series of interactive videos and micro-learning modules to support organisations like Collinson.

Simply moving to a new business process is one part of the puzzle, giving people to skills to deliver it is another. The conversations that occur between managers and their team are crucial when addressing development, performance and feedback.

For this reason, Dani and his team have incorporated the Video Arts Conversations series into a programme of resources to support the delivery of this change. We are really proud of the partnership we have with Dani and the wider team at Collinson. It delighted us to find that despite staff having access to over 500 courses from external suppliers, 3 of the top 10 accessed in 2019 were by Video Arts.

To discover how Video Arts could help you develop your digital learning offering, fill out the form below or contact us here!

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